Living Our New Life


Living Our New Life

Maybe you’ve noticed. In our women’s Bible reading and study this year, we have again touched down from beginning to end of the Bible. The books we have studied correlate with the study Transplant: tending our new hearts to draw our hearts to the gospel message of all of scripture. The Transplant study begins with the reason God created the human heart, to reflect or image His character and attributes and to walk in His wise ways. Our sin, the enemy of our heart, is against God and His wise and good plan for us. We saw sin’s devastation in Jeremiah and learned that we daily need to understand sin’s devastation in our own hearts. We read of God’s rescue plan in Luke, fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ, and learned how we personally and continually must experience God’s salvation. Currently, we are finishing Romans where we see God’s gift of a new heart and a new Spirit given by grace through faith. As we cultivate and exercise our faith in Jesus, God does His sanctifying work in us .

This month we begin 1 & 2 Corinthians where we will see how the gospel calls and empowers us to righteous living until we reach our final destination forever with the Lord. What is the church to be like? Themes of holiness, unity, and love run through these books—God wants us to see every part of life through the gospel. Why? The character of the church reflects the character of God. 1 & 2 Corinthians tie right into our Transplant study. We tend our new hearts, living out our new life in the power of God’s Spirit, so that we reflect the image of God as we were created to do. As we do so, imperfectly for now, we anticipate our final glorification when our transformation will be complete. But I am getting ahead of ourselves!

Will you join us? It is easy to join our Bible study anytime, at whatever level you can do. You can read 1 & 2 Corinthians during April and May using the personal reading plan provided. You can partner with another woman throughout the month to read and discuss some of the passages with the Side by Side Bible Reading guide provided. You can join us as we gather monthly at 1st Thursday Connect for teaching from the book we’ve read.

We meet next for 1st Thursday Connect on April 7 to finish Romans and introduce 1 & 2 Corinthians. On May 5, we will finish our study Transplant: tending our new hearts. Then, all are invited to an end of the year 1st Thursday Connect celebration luau on June 2—We Were Made For Paradise! We will finish the year with fun, food, and teaching from 1 & 2 Corinthians on our great hope in Jesus!


1st Thursday Connect

New Life Women, you and your friends are invited to our monthly gathering, 1st Thursday Connect. We meet next on Thursday, April 7. We are finishing our study of Romans, so it’s Italian night, of course—yum! Dinner will be provided at 6:30 p.m., and teaching from Romans will begin at 7:00. Just for fun, there will be a Sticky Note Scavenger Hunt! If it’s your first time or you haven’t been in awhile, it’s easy to jump in anytime at 1st Thursday Connect.

Thursday, April 7

6:30-8:30 p.m.

New Life Church, West Linn basement

Your RSVP at is appreciated. If you are unable to join us in person, livestream is available at

A reading plan and Side by Side Bible Reading resources for our next study of 1 & 2 Corinthians will be on the church website and in the church foyer. This month’s Transplant study can also be found there, along with a take-home lab assignment. We are memorizing Romans 8:29-32 in April!



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment