
Refresh: Before You Share Your Faith


The Refresh Retreat is happening soon! September 14 will be a day full of time with the Lord, time with each other, and time in the woods. Add good food and growing in readiness to share our faith, and it promises to be a fun and worthwhile day. Whether sharing your faith is something you struggle with or love to do or both, there will be helpful motivation and ideas for everyone. May God ignite in us fresh love for our neighbors and equip us to better share the gospel, and may he delight to save many even this year as we partner with him in the glorious endeavor of sharing his good news!


Registration for Refresh 2024 is open on the church website. Cost is $25 which can be paid online or by cash or check to New Life Church and designated “West Linn Women’s Retreat.” Please contact the Women’s Ministry leadership team if you would like assistance to cover the cost.

  • Saturday, September 14, 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

  • Coffee, snacks, lunch, and handouts provided

  • Everett Hall, Hopkins Demonstration Forest, 16750 South Brockway Road, Oregon City

  • Register online, $25, through Sunday, September 8


Bring a Bible, your Side by Side notebook if you have one, and dress comfortably and appropriately for the weather. Here is a schedule for the day and a Spotify playlist to help you prepare!

Marcia ReavelyComment
Fall 2024

Refresh: Before You Share Your Faith


Women’s Ministry kicks off the 2024-2025 season with a day retreat where we will enjoy food, friends, and nature while exploring the topic of sharing our faith. We hope you will join us as we address motivation, fears, hard questions, love, the heart of the gospel, creative sharing, and more. Using the book Before You Share Your Faith by Matt Smethurst and other resources, we will come away more evangelism ready and be refreshed in the process.

  • Saturday, September 14, 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

  • Coffee, snacks, lunch, and handouts provided

  • Everett Hall, Hopkins Demonstration Forest, 16750 S Brockway Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045

  • Register online, $25, by September 8

  • Bring a Bible, your Side by Side notebook if desired, and dress comfortably and appropriately for the weather


Registration for Refresh 2024 is open on the church website. Cost is $25 which can be paid online or by cash or check to New Life Church and designated “West Linn Women’s Retreat.” Please contact the Women’s Ministry leadership team if you would like assistance to cover the cost.


Here is a schedule for the day and a Spotify playlist to help you prepare!


Titus & Philemon

Will you join us in reading the books of Titus and Philemon in September? Resources will be available online, in the church foyer, and at the retreat. They include a plan for reading the books personally on your own, as well as a set of questions (Side by Side Bible Reading) to read and discuss a portion each week with a friend.

Ask someone to partner with you for Side by Side Bible Reading. It is easy, relational, beneficial, adaptable to your own schedule, and only a month-by-month commitment.


Scripture Memory

Would you like a simple plan to memorize scripture? New Life Women offers just that, and this year we are memorizing 1 Peter. We can do it in a year by simply working on a few verses each week. Pick up resources at the retreat or find the file online. Make your scripture memory booklet using the handouts and instructions provided.

Then simply learn and review a little each day! If you want to go slower, feel free to go at your own pace. If you get a late start, no problem.

Do it with a friend. Carry your booklet and memorize while you walk. Even if you don’t get it perfectly, the process will be good for your soul.


1st Thursday Connect

Our regular monthly women’s gathering, 1st Thursday Connect, resumes October 3. Each month stands alone, so if you miss a month, join us the next time!

The theme of the evening for October is Inside Out. If you haven’t seen the movies, you might enjoy them. Either way, we will have some fun with this theme throughout the evening.

Dinner is provided at 6:00 p.m. and will be followed by teaching from Titus, fun activities, and resources for reading the Bible Side by Side.



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment
Refresh Retreat 2024

Refresh: Before You Share Your Faith


What thoughts and feelings come to mind when you think of the topic of sharing your faith? If you are like most, you probably feel some degree of fear or guilt. Maybe you are unmotivated or feel ill-prepared or perhaps you don’t think you should share it at all. You’re not alone if evangelism is a struggle, if your feelings aren’t all positive. Maybe the thought of a retreat on sharing your faith strikes fear or dread in your heart. Rest assured, at the women’s retreat on September 14, there won’t be guilt-inducing pressure. You can expect encouraging teaching balanced with refreshing and meaningful activities to motivate and equip us in sharing our faith.


Women’s Ministry kicks off the 2024-2025 season with a day retreat where we will enjoy food, friends, and nature while exploring the topic of sharing our faith. Using material adapted from the book Before You Share Your Faith by Matt Smethurst and other resources, we will come away more evangelism ready and be refreshed in the process.

  • Saturday, September 14, 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

  • Coffee, snacks, lunch, and handouts provided

  • Everett Hall, Hopkins Demonstration Forest, 16750 South Brockway Road, Oregon City

  • Register online, $25, by September 8

  • Bring a Bible, your Side by Side notebook if you have one, and dress comfortably and appropriately for the weather.


Registration for Refresh 2024 is open on the church website. Cost is $25 which can be paid online or by cash or check to New Life Church and designated “West Linn Women’s Retreat.” Please contact the Women’s Ministry leadership team if you would like assistance to cover the cost.

Marcia ReavelyComment
Summer 2024

1st Thursday Connect

1st Thursday Connect has wrapped up for the school year, but our desire for God’s Word continues. If you attended our gathering in June, you received a summer study entitled More Than Anything. Whether you use this or another study or just keep reading the Bible, may we enjoy a summer of delighting in God and His Word!

We covered a lot of ground in God’s Word this past year. Gay Haugen shared a recap of where we’ve been at our June gathering, and it is included here for your review and encouragement.


2023-2024: The Year in Review

Beginning in October, from the letter of 1 John in chapter 5, Marcia shared with us that the Apostle John’s goal in this letter is:

·        to help us be spiritually healthy,

·        to urge us to examine ourselves, to take our spiritual pulse so to speak,

·         to check for the spiritual vital signs of true belief in Jesus, true love for our fellow believers, and true obedience to the commands of God.

These spiritual vital signs will help us know if we are truly alive in Christ.


In November, from Leviticus 20:26, Katie helped us understand that God calls us to be set apart, to be holy and consecrated to Him, because God Himself is Holy. Jesus came to enable us to be consecrated and aligned with His character.


In December, from Psalm 46, Gay shared the truth that taking refuge in God means actively reminding ourselves of God’s unchanging character:

·        that He is always present,

·        that He is all-powerful,

·         and that He is completely sovereign.

By putting aside our striving and spending time knowing Him, we can be confident that no matter what circumstances arise in our lives, we can find a place of peace and rest in Him.


In January, from 1 Chronicles 17, Lori shared from David’s prayer about the theme of hope. This theme of hope runs throughout this book. We were reminded that because God keeps His promises, as He did with Israel, we can have confidence to come to Him in prayer, and we can find a rest that is full of hope.


In February, from the minor prophets of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi, Sierra also shared the message of hope and how God was calling to His people to return to Him so that they could be in communion with Him. God desires communion with His people. Jesus, too, calls us to “come to Him.” He came to open wide our communion with God.


In March, from the prophetic book of Ezekiel, Von shared how God’s grace was extended to His people as He promised to give them a new heart, a new spirit, a new life. We were reminded that we today have that same promise that is offered to us by faith in Christ’s payment on the cross.


In April, from Ezra, Alina helped us to see how God kept His promise of bringing His people back to their land after captivity and preserving a remnant of His people, a remnant through which the promised Messiah would come. That promised Messiah, Jesus, came and paid for our salvation, and through Him we need no longer be unsettled in life but can find a home, belonging, and contentment.


In May, from Nehemiah, Sharon shared that Nehemiah accomplished God’s work using prayer, God’s Word, and a life wholly devoted and dependent on His gracious and merciful God. We were challenged to also be diligent in prayer and in being in God’s Word so that we can draw strength from our gracious and merciful God.


In June, Katie brought us truth from the tiny book of Jude encouraging us to guard our hearts and minds with perseverance so that we can remain in the secure center of God’s love and the promise of His mercy.


Thank You

There are so many who served in Women’s Ministry in some capacity this year! Every time you attended, or brought food, or prayed, or encouraged another woman, or read the Bible Side by Side with someone, you were a vital part of ministry to women. Thank you!

Many served as table hosts or musicians or sound technicians or stayed late to clean up. Thank you!

Some went all in to make the Refresh Retreat, Share the Joy, and The Connection Cafe extra special with flowers and plants and beautiful food and drinks. Thank you!

We enjoyed and benefitted from the teaching of 17 different women over the course of the year! Thank you!

The New Life Women’s leadership team put in many hours to provide food, activities, prayer, sound, reminders, table questions, decor, teachers, Side by Side studies, special events, and fun throughout the year. A huge thank you to Emily Trosen, Lisa Hartung, Gay Haugen, Amy Crooks, Alina Gauthier, Sandi Saxe, Robin Duggan, Sharon McKay, Sierra Edmonds, and Kelly Zook!


Next Year

Put Saturday, September 14, on your calendar! That is when we will have our kickoff day-retreat at Everett Hall at Hopkins Demonstration Forest in Oregon City. Watch for more information and registration for the Refresh Retreat later in the summer.

1st Thursday begins again in October. We have a need for several women to help this upcoming year in the areas of food, activities, sound, table hosts, and clean up. If you would be willing to be part of a team in one of these areas, please contact Marcia Reavely. Thank you!



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment
June 2024

1st Thursday Connect

1st Thursday Connect, the monthly gathering of New Life Women and friends, meets for the final time for this school year on June 6. We will be having a build-your-own sandwich for dinner. If you are able to bring a topping, please sign up here. We will enjoy a recap of the year and share of the grace God has shown us.

  • June 6, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

  • New Life Church West Linn, downstairs

  • RSVP for June’s 1st Thursday Connect at

  • Sign up on the Meal Train if you are able to bring a topping. Thank you!


We have been reading 2 John, 3 John, and Jude in May. At 1st Thursday, Katie Maricle will be teaching for us from the book of Jude. For the summer, we will be offering a self-study book from The Daily Grace called More Than Anything.

If you missed or want to review any of the teachings from 1st Thursday Connect, you can find them on YouTube. Livestream of 1st Thursday Connect is also available.


First Principles

Are you interested in learning to study the Bible better, particularly in order to teach or grow in your teaching ability? Women’s Ministry plans to offer a summer study to do just that.

Class meetings will be two Monday evenings per month at New Life Church West Linn. The dates are June 10, June 24, July 8, July 22, August 5, and August 19 from 7:00-8:30 P.M.

Contact Marcia Reavely by June 5 to sign up for the class and receive more information.



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment
May 2024

1st Thursday Connect

1st Thursday Connect, the monthly gathering of New Life Women and friends, meets next on May 2. “Say Cheese” is the theme, and dinner will be a mac and cheese bar. Please bring a topping to share—olives, bacon, broccoli, meatballs, salsa, asparagus, onions, chili, bell peppers—get creative!


We have been reading Nehemiah in April and will read 2 John, 3 John, and Jude in May to finish off the school year. Resources to read along are available at 1st Thursday, online, and in the church foyer. They include handouts to help you read personally and also Side by Side. Ask someone to read the Bible with you this month or sign up if you would like to be paired with another woman to read and discuss 2 John, 3 John, and Jude.

If you would like to read the Bible Side by Side on Sunday mornings, a group meets in the lower fireside room at New Life Church West Linn during the 10:45 worship gathering. Come whenever you can, no preparation necessary.

If you missed or want to review any of the teachings from 1st Thursday Connect, you can find them on YouTube. Livestream of 1st Thursday Connect is also available.


First Principles

Are you interested in learning to study the Bible better, particularly in order to teach? Then The Charles Simeon Trust Course, First Principles is for you. First Principles is an online video course designed to help women learn to study the Bible well and prepare to teach. The video classes are paired with in-person meetings to share, practice, and discuss what we are learning. Women’s Ministry plans to offer this course this summer, and you are invited to participate. This is a good class to take multiple times, so even if you have taken it before, we encourage you to join us.

Class meetings will be two Monday evenings per month at New Life Church West Linn. The dates are June 10, June 24, July 8, July 22, August 5, and August 19 from 7:00-8:30 P.M.

The cost for the online material is $19, and women’s ministry is happy to help financially as needed. Email Marcia Reavely if you have questions or are interested in participating.



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment
The Connection Cafe

We’re doing something new this spring and having a special Saturday coffee for New Life Women and friends! We have long enjoyed gathering at Christmas and bringing friends to Share the Joy, but once a year is just not enough. So, The Connection Café was born to bring our friend groups together in the spring. It seems appropriate to focus on gardening, and that is just what we will be doing.


You can expect delicious drinks—lavender lattes, grapefruit ginger juniper sparkling water—coffee cake, sweet and savory treats, gardening tips, simple handmade cards, lots of fun connecting with friends old and new, and a short meaningful story of how Jesus provides foundation in life.


This is for all New Life Women and all your friends. It’s not too late to invite someone, but whether they can come or not, we hope you will come to deepen your friendships and meet the guests who attend. Our love will be a display of the love of God to our guests.


We hope you can join us!

Marcia ReavelyComment
April 2024

1st Thursday Connect

1st Thursday Connect, the monthly gathering of New Life Women and friends, meets next on April 4. “Restart” is the theme. For dinner, we will be having a Persian feast in recognition of the fact that Ezra and Nehemiah tell the story of the Israelites as they are slaves and exiles in the Persian Empire. In the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, we see God lead His people to “restart” in the land of Israel. They rebuild the temple and restore the walls.

In our world today, there are many who move to our country to restart, and we can help. This month, we are gathering supplies and will be making Restart Kits for Refugee Care Collective. Refugee Care Collective ministers to local refugees, and they have ongoing need of funds, kits, mentors, and volunteers. See their website for ways to get involved. If you signed up to bring item(s) for the kits, please either bring them with you to April’s 1st Thursday Connect or drop them off at the church prior to April 4. If you didn’t receive an assigned item or would like to do more, new twin sheets, twin blankets, and pillows are regularly needed.


We have been reading Ezra in March and will read Nehemiah in April. Resources to read along are available at 1st Thursday, online, and in the church foyer. They include handouts to help you read personally and also Side by Side. Ask someone to read the Bible with you this month or sign up if you would like to be paired with another woman to read and discuss selected passages from Nehemiah together.

If you would like to read the Bible Side by Side on Sunday mornings, a group meets in the lower fireside room at New Life Church West Linn during the 10:45 worship gathering. Come whenever you can, no preparation necessary.

If you missed or want to review any of the teachings from 1st Thursday Connect, you can find them on YouTube. Livestream of 1st Thursday Connect is also available.


The Connection Cafe

The Connection Cafe for women is coming up Saturday, April 20! Together we will enjoy a cozy morning connecting with friends over coffee and sweet and savory treats. There will also be gardening tips, optional creative projects, and a short encouraging talk about the hope Jesus offers.

Will you pray for and invite an unchurched friend to join you? Building connections between our church friends and unchurched friends is one way we can partner together to love our neighbors and share the good news of Jesus. Postcard invitations are available in the church foyer, or a digital version can be accessed here to invite someone by text.

Invite a friend and RSVP at


Simeon Trust

Are you interested in learning to study the Bible better, particularly in order to teach? Then The Charles Simeon Trust Course, First Principles, is for you. First Principles is an online video course designed to help women learn to study the Bible well and prepare to teach. The video classes are paired with in-person meetings to share, practice, and discuss what we are learning. Women’s Ministry plans to offer this course this summer, and you are invited to participate. This is a good class to take multiple times, so even if you have taken it before, we encourage you to join us.

The cost for the online material is $19, and women’s ministry is happy to help financially as needed. Email Marcia Reavely if you have questions or are interested in participating.



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment
March 2024

1st Thursday Connect

1st Thursday Connect, the monthly gathering of New Life Women and friends, is coming up March 7. “Green is for GO” is the theme, so it would be very appropriate to wear green!

We are having lettuce wraps for dinner, and if you are able, please bring a small bowl of some kind of salad topping to share. Hard-boiled eggs, edamame, pumpkin seeds, pickled cabbage, olives, beets…get creative! We’ll provide the greens and dressings.

G.O. stands for Global Outreach, and we will have some fun getting to know the missionaries our church supports. We will also enjoy teaching from Ezekiel and receive resources to read Ezra in March.


We have been reading Ezekiel in February and will read Ezra in March. Resources to read along are available at 1st Thursday, online, and in the church foyer. They include handouts to help you read personally and also Side by Side. Ask someone to read the Bible with you this month or sign up if you would like to be paired with another woman to read and discuss selected passages from Ezra together.

If you would like to read the Bible Side by Side on Sunday mornings, a group meets in the lower fireside room at New Life Church West Linn during the 10:45 worship gathering. Come whenever you can, no preparation necessary.

If you missed or want to review any of the teachings from 1st Thursday Connect, you can find them on YouTube. Livestream of 1st Thursday Connect is also available.


The Connection Cafe

Note, the date has changed for the women’s Cafe coming up this spring. Put Saturday, April 20, 10:00-11:30 on your calendar! Pray for a friend you could invite. Together we will enjoy a cozy morning connecting over coffee and sweet and savory treats. There will also be gardening tips, optional creative projects, and a short encouraging talk about the hope Jesus offers.



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment
February 2024

Side by Side

Why read the Bible side by side? Do I need it? Isn’t it sufficient for me to read it personally?

Yes, it is surely good for you to read the Bible on your own. But there are reasons we offer and encourage Side by Side Bible Reading. For one, we often learn better together. Just this month, in the Sunday morning group, I learned a lot more reading Haggai with other women than I would have alone.

But Bible reading is not all about gaining more knowledge. It is about life transformation, and that also typically happens better in relationship with others than alone. Just like recording what you eat to show your personal trainer helps you make healthier food choices, so talking with a friend as you seek to apply the Bible helps you make godlier life choices.

Life can be lonely. It’s easy to even feel disconnected at church where we would hope to feel the most connected. Side by Side Bible Reading is good for the loneliness that ails us. There are sisters who need you, and you need them. You never know what kind of a relationship might grow out of spending some time reading God’s Word with someone you just met or someone you’ve known from across the room for years.

Need someone to pray for you? Need a sister to talk with about life issues? Need a mentor to answer questions? Need some accountability? Need a friend whose example you’d like to follow? Don’t we all? These can all be found in a Side by Side Bible Reading partner.

Want to give it a try? Or a retry? Will you press on? There are women you can impact and women who can impact you. It’s beneficial to read and live side by side.


1st Thursday Connect

1st Thursday Connect, our monthly women’s gathering, meets right away on February 1, 2024. Let’s enjoy a taste of summer in the midst of winter with the theme HOT!

Put on something HOT pink or red HOT! We’ll have a gourmet HOTdog dinner at 6:00 p.m. followed by teaching from Zechariah, some HOT games, an introduction to our next study of Ezekiel, and HOT fudge sundaes to end the evening.


We have been reading Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi in January and will read Ezekiel in February. Resources to read along are available at 1st Thursday, online, and in the church foyer. They include handouts to help you read personally and also Side by Side. Ask someone to read the Bible with you this month or sign up if you would like to be paired with another woman to read and discuss selected passages from Ezekiel together.

If you would like to read the Bible Side by Side on Sunday mornings, a group meets in the lower fireside room at New Life Church West Linn during the 10:45 worship gathering. Come whenever you can, no preparation necessary.

If you missed or want to review any of the teachings from 1st Thursday Connect, you can find them on YouTube. Livestream of 1st Thursday Connect is also available.



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment
January 2024

Shared Joy

Remember the old proverb? Shared joy is a double joy. We doubled our joy at Share the Joy. Not only did we enjoy ourselves as New Life Women, but we doubled the joy by sharing it with friends who joined in the time of celebration and reflection.

We are co-laborers for the gospel of Christ, striving side by side for the faith of the gospel. In December, we labored together to share the joy. Some set up tables; some made cheesecakes and cider. Some prepared sweet crafts, and others crafted reflection stations. Some sought out newer women, quieter women and made them feel welcome and comfortable. Some invited friends. Some of those friends couldn’t come, but the invitation was still valuable. Some of those friends came, and together we demonstrated God’s love to them. Each role is valuable and necessary. Showing up matters. Inviting matters. Looking out for others matters. Conversations matter. Love matters.

For more on this topic, take a listen to this podcast, Welcome and Witness: How to Reach Out in a Secular Age. This is solid food for thought, both challenging and hopeful, and it speaks in part to what we did together at Share the Joy. One point brought out in the podcast is that we are workers. We are workers on Sunday mornings, at 1st Thursdays, at Share the Joy. We work as a team to share the gospel with our friends and neighbors. Rebecca McLaughlin, interviewed on the podcast, challenges, “If we Christians actually jump in as workers, our boats don’t have the capacity for the number of fish.”

All of us laboring together, in all kinds of different ways, makes a difference. Thank you for your participation—for inviting, welcoming, conversing—and doubling the joy. Let’s do it even more!


1st Thursday Connect

1st Thursday Connect, our monthly women’s gathering, meets again on January 4, 2024! As you pack up Christmas decorations, set out and bring a few items of holiday decor that you are ready to part with but someone else may love. It can be ANY holiday, not just Christmas.

Come enjoy a spaghetti dinner at 6:00 p.m. followed by teaching from 1 Chronicles, a lively SWAP time, and an introduction to our next study of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.


We have been reading 1 Chronicles in December and will read Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi in January. Resources to read along are available at 1st Thursday, online, and in the church foyer. They include handouts to help you read personally and also Side by Side. Ask someone to read the Bible with you this month or sign up if you would like to be paired with another woman to read and discuss selected passages from Haggai/Zechariah/Malachi together.

If you would like to read the Bible Side by Side on Sunday mornings, a group meets in the lower fireside room at New Life Church West Linn during the 10:45 worship gathering. Come whenever you can, no preparation necessary.

If you missed or want to review any of the teachings from 1st Thursday Connect, you can find them on YouTube. Livestream of 1st Thursday Connect is also available.


Scripture Memory

Want to start the new year by memorizing 1 John? A memorization booklet can be made by picking up materials at 1st Thursday or printing your own from the church website. Find the resources online. Whether you get it all or a little bit, it will be good for your soul!



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment

New Life Women’s 9th annual Share the Joy is this Sunday! You and your friends are invited to come and share a special evening of Christmas celebration and reflection. You can expect a slow-paced and beautiful time to converse over festive treats, create simple holiday crafts, or quietly reflect upon the birth of Jesus at interactive stations.

If you are able to attend, your RSVP on the church website is appreciated. If you can’t be there from 4:00-6:00, come when you can and leave when you must.


Please invite a friend to join you and share the joy of Christmas together. Postcard invitations to give to friends and neighbors are available in the church foyer or a digital invitation can be found at this link.



1st Thursday Connect meets next on January 4, 2024. We will be having a SWAP of holiday decor (any holiday, not just Christmas), so save a few things that you are ready to part with and bring a few items with you in January.

Marcia ReavelyComment
December 2023

1st Thursday Connect

1st Thursday Connect, our monthly women’s gathering, will be held December 7. Silly Socks & Sliders is the theme for the evening. Wear your silliest socks and come enjoy sliders at 6:00 p.m. We will learn from the book of Psalms, introduce our next study of 1 Chronicles, and work on two ministry projects together. One of the ministry projects we will be doing is collecting spa-type items for Love, INC to share with mothers in need. If you can, please bring a candle, lotion, soap, or other pretty feminine item to contribute.


We have been reading Psalms in November and will read 1 Chronicles in December. Resources to read along are available at 1st Thursday, online, and in the church foyer. They include handouts to help you read personally and also Side by Side. Ask someone to read the Bible with you this month or sign up if you would like to be paired with another woman to read and discuss selected passages from 1 Chronicles together.


If you would like to read the Bible Side by Side on Sunday mornings, a group meets in the lower fireside room at New Life Church West Linn during the 10:45 worship gathering. Come whenever you can, no preparation necessary.



  • One of our ministry projects at 1st Thursday in December is to collect spa-type items for Love INC to share with mothers in need. If possible, please bring any of these items to December’s 1st Thursday, and we will get them to Love INC: lotion, soaps, candles, spa gift cards, bubble bath, pretty feminine things.

  • As you decorate this season, save any holiday decor you are ready to part with but someone else may enjoy. We will be having a holiday (any holiday, not just Christmas) swap in January!

  • If you missed or want to review any of the teachings from 1st Thursday Connect, you can find them on YouTube. Livestream of 1st Thursday Connect is also available.


Share the Joy

You and your friends are invited to pause in a busy season and come to a women’s Christmas reflection and celebration. Converse over festive treats, create simple holiday crafts, or quietly reflect upon the birth of Jesus at interactive stations. The reflection stations will take you on a brief tour of the Bible’s story to see God’s promise of the expected Jesus and what we can expect from Him.


Share the Joy is designed to be a welcoming and meaningful Christmas experience for all women, including those who may not attend church often or be very familiar with the Bible’s story. This is an opportunity to bring someone you desire to introduce to friends at church and to Jesus. Who will you invite to share the joy of Christmas? Postcard invitations to give to friends and neighbors are available in the church foyer or a digital invitation can be found at this link.


Scripture Memory

It’s not too late to join in on memorizing 1 John this year and soak in what it means to abide in Christ! A memorization booklet can be made by picking up materials at 1st Thursday or printing your own from the church website. Find the resources online. Memorization of God’s Word is an investment with life-changing rewards.



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment
November 2023

1st Thursday Connect

1st Thursday Connect, our monthly women’s gathering, is coming up November 2. Bandana Bonanza is the evening’s theme. Throw on a bandana and join us for a campfire kind of evening. We will enjoy foil dinners, Bible teaching from the book of Leviticus, fun activities, friendship, and resources for reading the Bible both personally and Side by Side.


We have been reading Leviticus in October and will read from the Psalms (42-94) in November. Resources to read along are available at 1st Thursday, online, and in the church foyer. They include handouts to help you read personally and also Side by Side. Ask someone to read the Bible with you this month or sign up if you would like to be paired with another woman to read and discuss selected Psalms together.


If you would like to read Psalms with a group on Sunday mornings, meet in the lower fireside room at New Life Church West Linn at 10:45. During the second church gathering, Amy Crooks will be there to facilitate group Side by Side Bible Reading. Pop in whenever you can make it!


Scripture Memory

Memorizing God’s Word is one of the most effective ways to grow as a Christian. If you would like to memorize 1 John with us this year, a memorization booklet can be made by picking up materials at 1st Thursday or printing your own from the website. Find the resources online.


Start anytime. Go at your own pace. Do it with a friend. Carry your booklet and memorize while you walk. Even if you don’t get it perfectly, the process will be good for your soul.



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment
October 2023

1st Thursday Connect

Women’s Ministry resumes its monthly gathering, 1st Thursday Connect, on October 5. The theme of the evening is Clean as the 2023-2024 season begins with a clean, fresh start. A healthy Mediterranean meal will be provided, and we will learn the SOAP Bible study method. Join us for teaching from 1 John, fun activities, friendship, food, and resources for reading the Bible Side by Side.


We have been reading 1 John in September and will read Leviticus in October. If this is one of those books you dread, come to 1st Thursday for tools to read it well. Resources are available online or in the church foyer. Find a Side by Side Bible Reading partner or sign up if you would like to be paired with another woman to read and discuss Leviticus together.


New this year! Groups will be forming as one option each month for Side by Side Bible Reading! If you would like to read Leviticus with a group on Sunday mornings, meet in the lower fireside room at New Life Church West Linn at 10:45. During the second church gathering, Amy Crooks will be there to read with you side by side.


Scripture Memory

If you would like to memorize 1 John with us this year, a memorization booklet can be made by picking up materials at 1st Thursday or printing your own from the website. Find the resources online.


Start anytime. Go at your own pace. Do it with a friend. Carry your booklet and memorize while you walk. Even if you don’t get it perfectly, the process will be good for your soul.


Scripture memory is also a wonderful method to be able to incorporate the principles of Transforming Prayer into your prayer life without even opening your Bible. In a sense, you have the Bible open at any and every moment that you pray. Material for worship and prayer is at the ready.




The church library has several books that coincide well with our reading of Leviticus. Here are a few good ones available.

  • The Holiness of God—by R.C. Sproul.

  • Holiness—by J.C. Ryle.

  • Holier than Thou—by Jackie Hill Perry.

  • Herein Is Love, Vol. 3: Leviticus—by Nancy Ganz, in the children’s theology section of the the library.



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment

Refresh: Transforming Prayer


The women’s Refresh retreat is next week on the 23rd of September! Using material from the book Transforming Prayer by Daniel Henderson, we will learn how our prayers can be transformed and how they can transform us in the process.

  • Saturday, September 23, 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

  • Coffee, snacks, lunch, and handouts provided

  • Everett Hall, Hopkins Demonstration Forest, 16750 S Brockway Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045

  • Register online, $20, by September 17

  • Bring a Bible, your Side by Side notebook if you have one, and dress comfortably and appropriately for the weather


Registration for Refresh 2023 is open on the church website. Cost is $20 which can be paid online or by cash or check to New Life Church and designated “Women’s Retreat.” Please contact the Women’s Ministry leadership team if you would like assistance to cover the cost.


Here is a schedule for the day and a Spotify playlist to help you prepare!

Marcia ReavelyComment
September 2023

Refresh: Transforming Prayer

How would you describe your prayer life? You’re not alone if prayer is sometimes a struggle, if your feelings aren’t all positive. Maybe the thought of a retreat on prayer strikes fear or dread of boredom in your heart. Rest assured, at the women’s retreat on September 23, there will be no mandatory praying aloud, no awkward sharing of requests, no long drawn out prayers. As it turns out, those things aren’t critical ingredients for transforming prayer. You can expect times of teaching balanced with times of guided, meaningful, non-pressured prayer to help us learn how our prayers can be transformed from obligatory and irregular to effective and energizing.


Women’s Ministry kicks off the 2023-2024 season with a day retreat where we will enjoy food, friends, and nature while exploring the topic of transforming prayer. Using the book Transforming Prayer by Daniel Henderson, we will learn how our prayers can be transformed and how they can transform us in the process.

  • Saturday, September 23, 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

  • Coffee, snacks, lunch, and handouts provided

  • Everett Hall, Hopkins Demonstration Forest, 16750 S Brockway Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045

  • Register online, $20, by September 17

  • Bring a Bible, your Side by Side notebook if desired, and dress comfortably and appropriately for the weather


Registration for Refresh 2023 is open on the church website through Sunday, September 17. Cost is $20 which can be paid online or by cash or check to New Life Church and designated “Women’s Retreat.” Please contact the Women’s Ministry leadership team if you would like assistance to cover the cost.


Here is a schedule for the day and a Spotify playlist to help you prepare!


1 John

Will you join us in reading the book of 1 John in September? Resources are available online or in the church foyer. Find a Side by Side Bible Reading partner or sign up if you would like to be paired with another woman to read and discuss 1 John together.


You can also get materials for making a memorization booklet and start memorizing the book of 1 John with us this year.


Scripture Memory

We are starting this year in the book of 1 John, and it is good book to commit to memory. We can do it in a year by simply working on a few verses each week. A scripture memory booklet for the book of 1 John can be made by using the file and instructions provided. Start anytime. If you want to go slower, feel free to go at your own pace. Do it with a friend. Carry your booklet and memorize while you walk. Even if you don’t get it perfectly, the process will be good for your soul. Find the resources online or at our fall events.


1st Thursday Connect

Our regular monthly women’s gathering, 1st Thursday Connect, resumes October 5. The theme of the evening is Clean, and a healthy, Mediterranean meal will be provided. Join us for teaching from 1 John, fun activities, friendship, food, and resources for reading the Bible Side by Side.



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment
Summer 2023

Summer Study

This summer we are using the study Amen: The Story of Scripture from Eden to Eternity published by The Daily Grace Co. You can get the book and do the study on your own, or if you would like to join a group to discuss what you are learning, there are three to choose from!

The study is laid out over 5 weeks and is largely personal. The groups will discuss the week’s work at the end of each week. There are only 5 days of study to each week, making it very easy to miss a day and still be on track.

Three groups will be meeting, so see which schedule will work best for you. Text the leader to join the group and get more information.

  • Sierra Edmonds (812-430-7491) on Thursday evenings, July 6-August 3 from 6:45-8:00 p.m. in Oregon City at her home.

  • Sandi Saxe (503-709-4836) on Wednesday July 5-August 2, from 2:00-3:30 p.m. at her home in Oregon City.

  • Cindy Shaw (503-680-9309) will be meeting on Saturday mornings from 9:00-10:30 a.m., on July 1-August 5 at her home in Oregon City.


Fall Kickoff

We will resume our regular Women’s Ministry activities in the fall with a day retreat at Hopkin’s Demonstration Forest in Oregon City. Put September 23 on your calendar and plan to join us for Refresh: Transforming Prayer.



If you missed June’s 1st Thursday Connect and would like to give feedback on the past year or find out more about serving in Women’s Ministry, please use this link to fill out an online evaluation. It only takes a couple of minutes, and we certainly appreciate your input.



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment
June 2023


Our next monthly women’s gathering, 1st Thursday Connect, is June 1. This is the finale for the 2022-2023 season, the final Amen.


Dinner will be a giant salad bar! Greens, dressings, bread, and dessert will be provided. Please bring a small bowl of some kind of salad topping to share. It could be anything from meats, veggies, fruits, nuts, pickles, olives, seeds, cheeses, artichokes, capers, beets. Get creative!

  • June 1, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

  • New Life Church West Linn, downstairs

  • Livestream available at 6:40 p.m.

  • RSVP for June’s 1st Thursday Connect on the church website


After dinner, we will have teaching from 1 & 2 Timothy to conclude our reading of those books in May. Fun “Amen” activities will follow. We will also be giving out a summer study called “Amen” which covers the big story of scripture.


Invite a friend, RSVP, bring a salad topping, and join the fun on June 1!


Save the Date

It’s not too early to start thinking about fall! Women’s Ministry will kickoff the 2023-2024 season with a day retreat on September 23 at Hopkins Demonstration Forest. Save the date and plan to join us for REFRESH: Transforming Prayer.


Thank You

A huge thank you to the 2022-2023 Women’s Ministry leadership team! They have given hours of time to love and lead and plan and shop and cook and study and prepare and set up and clean up and communicate and pray and so much more. Thank you to Amy Crooks, Gay Haugen, Sierra Edmonds, Sandi Saxe, Cindy Shaw, Alina Gauthier, Lisa Hartung, and Emily Trosen. Thank you for using your God-given gifts to serve and bless us all.



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment
May 2023

1st Thursday Connect

Our next monthly women’s gathering, 1st Thursday Connect, is May 4, and it would be wonderful to spend that evening with you! Invite a friend and bring them along, too.


It is Teacher Appreciation week, and we will be adopting a local school and encouraging their staff. We will be collecting gift cards at 1st Thursday Connect to bless the teachers. It is completely optional, but if you would like to contribute, there are three ways to do so.

  1. Bring an unused gift card that you already own.

  2. Purchase a gift card. $5-$10 amounts are preferred. Coffee, Amazon, Target, Crumbl, Chick-fil-a, Barnes & Noble are suggested options.

  3. Bring cash or contribute through a cash app at 1st Thursday, and gift cards will be purchased with all donations.


Dinner will be a fun “school lunch” plus a make-your-own kid-friendly dessert. After dinner, we will spend time in God’s Word and finish our study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians. Teacher appreciation activities will follow.

  • May 4, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

  • New Life Church West Linn, downstairs

  • Livestream available at 6:40 p.m.

  • RSVP for May’s 1st Thursday Connect on the church website


We have been reading 1 & 2 Thessalonians this month and will finish our 2022-2023 season with 1 & 2 Timothy in the month of May. Pick up materials at 1st Thursday Connect, in the church foyer, or print them from the church website. Invite someone to join you in Side by Side Bible Reading for the month of May. It is a double blessing to spend time with friends and benefit from God’s Word together!



Are you interested or do you have questions about serving on the Women’s Ministry leadership team? We are forming the team for June 2023-June 2024 and would love to talk with you about your involvement.


Do you have feedback from this year that would help us plan for the future? We would love to hear from you!


Email Marcia at



Below are links to articles, books, podcasts, and music that might be of interest or help on various topics. Resources are curated but may not always reflect the views of New Life Church. Enjoy!

Marcia ReavelyComment